Using an iPad with imPowr
  • 05 May 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Using an iPad with imPowr

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Article summary

imPowr software is web-based software that is accessible on the internet via an Internet browser or Web browser*.

Web Browsers

*A Web browser (also referred to as an Internet browser or simply a browser) is application software used to access the World Wide Web or a local website. When a user clicks on a URL link, the web browser retrieves the appropriate content from a web server and then displays the page on the user's device. (Similar to a postal address, 'URL' stands for Uniform Resource Locator - which is the address of a unique resource on the web, for example, a specific web page from a particular website)

While there are many Internet browsers available for people to use, some devices or products only use specific internet browsers or a version of a specific browser designed specifically for their device. Each browser has its own characteristics, causing it to respond or perform in a certain manner when accessing and displaying imPowr.

Using an Apple iPad with imPowr

With the appropriate connections to the internet, and the use of a web browser, Apple iPads (iPads) can successfully access many sites and pages on the Internet. iPads utilize Apple's Safari browser (Apple, iPad, and Safari are trademarks of Apple, Inc.). Because imPowr is web-based software, iPads can successfully connect to and display the pages in imPowr, but PDF documents and some files do not always display properly.

Viewing PDF documents on your iPad

When an iPad user tries to view a PDF document using the iPad version of Safari, they get a single page preview of the document. But, because they only see a single page, some users may think it's an imPowr software issue - It is not.

The single page PDF document preview is a function of the Apple Safari browser; it is not an imPowr software issue.

Apple's Safari browser has some optimizations that cause some pages to open and display properly and some to fail to load, when viewed in an iPad. Because of this inconsistency, the only current option to view a full imPowr PDF document on the iPad is to download the document and open it with a PDF viewer (for example, Apple Books). (Apple Books is a trademark of Apple, Inc.)

Workaround for files not displaying on an iPad

Some iPad users have also reported occasionally logging into an imPowr portal, and not seeing files in the Files tab. This is also due to the inconsistencies of the Safari browser.

To display the files, the following workaround can be used:

  1. When a tab is blank, click the picture at upper right as if you are logging out. The screen will refresh.
  2. Cancel the logout and the files will display.
  3. Click the file you wish to view and it will display as a one-page preview, which is normal behavior for an iPad, until you download it and view the downloaded file.

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