Release Note Summary -
- 17 Feb 2023
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Release Note Summary -
- Updated on 17 Feb 2023
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Account Assessments
- There are new options for attaching assessment tools to an account type. Each Assessment Tool will display its frequency next to the name (the default is "ad hoc"). Clicking on the name of the tool provides access to the settings. For the Assessment start date, there are 2 different modes: "fixed" and "reference". For the fixed date, users can choose a date of the year that the assessment should start on, then after it is submitted for the first time, the due date for the next assessment will display, based on the selected frequency. The reference option lets users choose the account DOB or account creation date. This will set the first submission due date differently based on each account. If the user choose the reference to be the account DOB, but the account has no DOB, the system will default to a due date of January 1st. These settings are reflected when clicking the assessments button on the account side panel in the edit account page. The due date will be calculated based on the configured start date. After that, it'll calculate the next due date based on the most recent submission date plus the frequency.
Account Consent
- Start and end dates have been added to the consent for Medications and Treatments.
Account Credentials
- The Categories for Account Credentials are now managed in the Account Role - depending on the account role, the category may or may not be made available to that role.
- Account Credential Type Categories are configurable in Configuration Lookup Lists. This is where the credential is associated with a category of credential type.
- Updates to the account role categories are possible to do in bulk, and the changes made to the Account Credentials are captured in the Audit Trail.
- Users can build forms for Credentials, via the Form Library, and link them to the Credential Type in the Credential Library in the Configuration Reference Library.
- The new credential forms have a unique feature. Since credentials may be add once and not updated for years, it is possible the forms will have changed. As a result, a credential retains its old form unless purposely reset to the new one. The impact is that different credentials of the same type could be showing different forms - but that is okay since it was the form in place at the time. If the user wants to update the form, they can - but they will have to reenter data.
- It is theoretically possible to use QCodes to map data from the old form to the new, but it will be incredibly difficult because many questions will no longer apply, choices will be different, etc. For now and the foreseeable future, we can upgrade the form but users will have to manually enter the new data.
Account Population Analysis
- The Population Analysis page now includes links to the individuals who meet the criteria and whose results are captured in the numbers on the page.
- Bulk updates for Data Dictionary (used for form QCodes) categories and data types has been added.
- The ability to add a Task associated with a DDP has been added to the DDP.
Forms and Data
- The Data Dictionary now displays a usage count which when clicked, displays a popup showing the forms which are using the selected code. Users can click on the name of the form to go to its edit page, if they have the edit form entity right.
- The ability to add a Task associated with a LCED has been added to the LCED.
Learning Management
- When students are marked as having attended a class, that attendance record is now captured in the Audit Trail.
Mailing Lists
- The ability to copy names from a client group onto a mailing list has been added.
- A new Scheduled Notification for Applicants for a Program has been created. The notification joins applicants and the programs they express interest in, filtered down to a specific configurable applicant status. The notification will send the staff associated with programs a summary count of applicants based on which programs they are applying for. Users can set which status of applicant to report on, as well as which programs they're interested in. Then, only those users be notified if they're in any of the selected program roles for a program an applicant is interested in (i.e., in order for someone to receive the notification, they must be set up as a staff member (with the role of Staff Member) for that particular program).
- In trying to track portal utilization, we've now included the ability to optionally view the user's organization, which might be several.
- In the Workorder Portal, users can click and expand work orders submitted by them or assigned to them, for a more detailed view. Users can also mark tasks as complete from the workorder portal.
Support Tools
- The ability to search for a word in the Emails have been sent out, and highlight that word so it is easier to locate the emails containing that word, has been added to the Activity Monitoring Email Log.
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