How do I remove an SOP document
  • 12 Feb 2025
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How do I remove an SOP document

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Article summary

To remove an SOP document that has no revisions completely from IMPOWR...

Using an account role that has been granted those rights, go to the SOP Library (System > Planning > Policies, SOPs, and Form Letters). Select the SOP document and click on the delete button.

To remove or select a new SOP revision…

To remove an SOP revision document, locate the SOP in the SOP Library and click on its ID. Go into Edit mode. Select the Revision # you wish to remove and then click on the Delete button.

(Recommended Method)
Locate the SOP in the SOP Library and click on its ID. Go into Edit mode. Select the Revision # you with to remove by clicking on its ID. Remove the checkmark from the ‘Set as Active’ checkbox and then save the revision… and then save the SOP document. This will set a new document as the latest revision of your SOP.


You need to have an Active Revision to have that document be displayable in the SOP Library when a user clicks on the ‘eye’. To select a new revision document, follow the Recommended Process above but instead of removing the “Set as Active” checkmark, you need to add that checkmark to whichever revision document you want. You can only have 1 active revision for each SOP at any given time. You are also not required to enter a SOP Revision # - the number can be blank if desired.

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