How do I complete Monthly Tasks in my Staff Action Work Queue
  • 29 Jan 2024
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How do I complete Monthly Tasks in my Staff Action Work Queue

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Article summary

When you have something that you want to do every month – such as an Employer Contact for a vocational program, you can add that as a staff task, like in the example below, for a monthly employer contact task.

Users can check if that task was done or not when doing the billing rules. So, for any program that requires an Employer Contact, you can start adding that staff task, and then create a billing rule that checks if that was done or not.

Something like this is a good candidate for a report too. For example, a report consisting of a list of all people with employer contacts or missing employer contacts.

Setup is done in the Program Operations tab in the Program Edit Mode:


The Task displays in the Staff Action - Work Queue screen, and can be completed by performing the action:


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