What are POMs Factors and Goals
  • 10 Oct 2023
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What are POMs Factors and Goals

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Article summary

Providers use a person-centered planning process to determine what is important to and about a person and what capacities and skills that person possesses. It is directed by the person and helps providers understand how the person wants to live, based on their interests, ideas, strengths, desires, and preferences, as well as identify the person's desired personal outcomes. The person-centered planning process also helps identify the supports and services that are needed to help the person achieve the outcomes.

POMs (Personal Outcome Measures) are used to determine whether a person's goals are achieved or not. They are based on the Council on Quality and Leadership's (www.c-q-l.org) Personal Outome Measures, which defines 21 indicators, organized under 5 factors, that provide insight to help understand the desired outcomes of people receiving supports and services.

The 5 factors and the associated 21 indicators are as follows:

My Human Security

  • People are safe
  • People are free from abuse and neglect
  • People have the best possible health
  • People experience continuity and security
  • People exercise rights
  • People are treated fairly
  • People are respected

My Community

  • People use their environments
  • People live in integrated environments
  • People interact with other members of the community
  • People participate in the life of the community

My Relationships

  • People are connected to natural support networks
  • People have friends
  • People have intimate relationships
  • People decide when to share personal information
  • People perform different social roles

My Choices

  • People choose where and with whom they live
  • People choose where they work
  • People choose services

My Goals

  • People choose personal goals
  • People realize personal goals

More information about POMs is available from the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL): https://www.c-q-l.org/

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