imPowr Release 1.2.67
  • 14 Jun 2021
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imPowr Release 1.2.67

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Article summary

imPowr Release 1.2.67

Originally published 4/18/20

Quick Referral

  • New quick referral option – can be turned on via the configuration page.


  • Present a list of programs for the active organization and enables users to select and quickly refer.


  • For optimal functionality, it is advised that a few additional setups take place prior to use:

    • Create divisions for the current organization and assign programs to a division.
    • For each division, assign a default ‘referral purpose’.
    • Identify a primary contact person for each program and division.
    • Define a notification email on the configuration page, “Text Blocks”. Choose “Quick Referral” to edit your email.


School Portal

  • New school portal shows student lists, metrics and charts.


  • To set up metrics and charts, go to Configuration – Portal Types. For Portal Type “School” do the following:

    • Go to the “Additional Settings” screen.
    • Select the program you want to reference for enrollment information.
    • Identify the metrics and data charts you want to show and their sizes and types.


  • To get student names to appear on the list, a few things must happen:

  • The student must be linked and have a status in the program set up on the additional settings (i.e., enrolled, declined, competed, or ‘other’).

  • The student must be assigned to the selected school.

  • To view student details, click on the student's name. Things to note:

    • The Case Manager information is the student’s case manager. The family could sometimes have a different case manager.
    • The Family information is for that student. It includes Parents, Siblings, and Guardians only (may be an aunt, Grandmother, etc.). General relationships such as ‘Friends’ will not appear unless that person is also a Guardian.
    • The notes that appear are notes for the student’s FAMILY. If the student is linked to more than one family, only notes for one of the families will appear.
    • The notes that appear will either be PUBLIC notes and those written by the logged in user. Thus, private notes will not appear. The exception is if the person logging in happens to also have a special privilege to do so, they can see all notes. That privilege should typically be reserved to administrative staff only.

Mapping of Survey Form Entries to Database Fields

  • A new capability of mapping survey responses to database fields has been added. This will allow user configurable forms for:

    • Employment Workflows
    • Incident Management Workflows
  • The setup of the mapping occurs in two places:

    • You must choose a ‘context’ for the form itself.
    • Then for each question that is to be mapped, you must identify the field it maps to.
    • Both options are available when editing a survey form.
  • Because of the multiple steps involved, it is advised that users get some basic training from the imPowr support team before doing this on their own. Once you know how, it’s pretty easy.


Account Role Display Enhancements

  • When editing account roles, users can now see the detail assignment counts on the account role overview screen.


New Filtering for Missing Fields

  • On the Data Cleanup Tools, new options have been added for selectively searching for missing data. You can check one or more fields from the dropdown list and click ‘search/refresh’ to refresh the screen.

  • To perform the custom search:

    • Go to the Data Cleanup screen
    • Select the first entry “Missing items (per list)”
    • Enter your filter settings (example shown below)
    • Click refresh


Division Information

  • Added the ability to identify a primary contact for each Division, Choose a staff member from the database.


Performance Improvements

  • Changes were made to several areas to improve performance, including:

    • Audit Trail
    • Saving of security role details
  • Additional changes were made to the ‘details’ tab for organizations, where affiliated staff are shown. On the organization screen, the list of people has been changed to now only affiliated staff and there is a name filter. To see all affiliations for a particular account (client or other), go to the account profile and click the affiliations tab.


Organization Custom Fields

  • The option to include custom field sin an organization type has been added. To turn on custom fields for a type, on the configuration page, select ‘custom fields’.


  • To create custom fields for organizations, go to the “User Defined Fields” menu item on the “System” menu. Select the screen and choose the organization tab.


  • Then to view and edit user defined custom fields for your organizations. Find the link on the organization profile and click the displayed number. An edit form will appear.



  • Multiple cosmetic and spelling fixes
  • Ability to copy and delete employment workflows
  • New sort and filter options
  • On Quarantine tracker, the text boxes for narrative information are now scrollable so you can enter long narratives.
  • Added some new descriptive text to help in the setup of survey form ‘business rules’.

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