How do I reset a user's account password
  • 02 May 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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How do I reset a user's account password

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Article summary

This article will tell you how to access a staff member's account and manage and reset their password.

NOTE: In order to reset a password on a Staff Member’s account, the person who wishes to reset the password must have the System Administrator role, AND the account needing the password reset must be visible and editable to that Administrator.

Access the Staff Member’s Account

In order to change the password, the System Administrator will need to first access the Staff Member’s account:

  • Login to your imPowr website.
  • Go to the Engagement menu.
  • Click on Accounts in the People section.

  • Select your Staff Member’s name from the drop down list of Accounts:

Accessing the Manage Password (Password Reset) button:

If you noticed, when you accessed the Staff Member’s account, you were able to see the Edit Button, but you were not able to see anywhere where you could reset their password.

  • Click on Edit to view the control to change passwords:

Reset the Password:

  • Click on the Manage Password button:

When you click on the Manage Password button, you are presented with 5 options for handling the password reset. Each method will allow the user to discretely reset and personalize their own password to whatever password they wish to reset it to:

Based on the option selected (options 1 and 3 are the most commonly used option)…

  1. You can reset the password and require the user to enter a new password at their next sign-in. (They can enter any character into the password field and the system will prompt them for a new password)

  2. You can have the system auto assign a new password and email it to the Staff Member’s 1st email address listed in their account general information. (this is the least popular method)

  3. You can have the system create a temporary password, display it to you, and then you can copy and paste that password into an email which you can then send to the Staff Member. You can also overwrite that password with a new password, and save it. You can then send your new password to the user. This method is the most common method, because you can add it to an email with other instructions or comments.

This is an example of the temporary password that system will generate. Highlight the password, making sure to avoid any blank spaces, and press CTRL-C on your keyboard to temporarily copy the temporary password into your computer’s memory.

When you create your email, press CTRL-V on your keyboard to paste the temporary password.

NOTE: Please remind users to be careful and not copy any blank characters. Many times, it is easier if you just re-type in the information into the password field.

  1. You can have the system create a temporary password and display it to you (similar to that shown above). You then have the choice to overwrite that password or use the system generated one, and then the system will email that password to the Staff Member’s 1st email address listed in their account general information.

Tip: Many users find having the system create a password, and then overwriting that password with something simple (example: PassWord1) is a quick way to have users get back into the system. Once a user is in the system, they can reset their own password by clicking on the round Profile picture, located in the upper right hand side of the screen to the right of their name and Account Role, and selecting "Update my password".

  1. You can send the user a link, that is only valid for 20 minutes, that they can click on and be brought to a screen where they can reset their own password. This is almost identical to the process they would follow if they clicked on “Forgot Your Password” on the login screen.

NOTE: the password rules are as follows:

  • At least 12 characters in length (this length is System Administrator configurable).
  • Must include a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
  • Common easily guessed expressions entries in sequence are not allowed (example: ABC, 11111, 12345, etc.).
  • The top 1000 most commonly used passwords are not allowed.
  • A password containing the first name, last name, login ID, phone, email, city, or zip code are not allowed (this is System Administrator configurable)


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