How can I setup Multiple Approvers for a Behavior Support Plan (BSP)
  • 24 Jan 2024
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How can I setup Multiple Approvers for a Behavior Support Plan (BSP)

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Article summary

A setup option for approvers is available when editing client document types (configuration > reference libraries > client document types). When "track approval" is checked, users get an option for approval mode. This mode defaults to "individual", which controls the a simple, basic approval functionality (just an "approved by" and "approved on" field on the details tab of a client document). Setting this to "multiple" will enable the full approvals tab.


When set to "multiple", users also get an option to set default approvers. When a new client document is created with this type, those listed as default approvers will automatically populate into the approvals tab of the new document.


When users add a new default approver, users can choose either a specific account, a role within an organization, or a staff team, the same as they work for care plans. The sort order determines what order they show on the approvers list.


On the client document itself, users will get a new tab for approvers. This is the same tab as on other documents, such as care plans, with similar features. Adding a new approver manually here results in the same popup as the one to add default approvers. Users can also add staff members in bulk, or add staff members from a DDP this client has, which is the same functionality as found on care plans.


If the user fits the definition of any rows on the list, they're allowed to approve that row. For account rows, the user must be that account in order to be able to approve it. For organization rows, users must be assigned to that organization with that organization role. For team rows, users have to be a member of that staff team

On the full list of client documents, as long as the approvals checkbox is checked, users will see a column saying how many approvals were logged to each document


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