- 13 Jun 2024
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How can I capture Account Sex instead of or along with Account Gender
- Updated on 13 Jun 2024
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In an effort to align standard forms with the language used in IMPOWR for certain data fields, users can configure some of those fields to meet their agency's needs. For example, Gender is considered as the Sex assigned at birth, but other forms may want the "Sex Assigned at Birth" or "Assigned Sex". Sexual orientation, for example, is needed for different reproductive health programs.
The ability to make these changes controls whether an item appears in dropdown lists (such as the demographics lists) that let you set gender or a sex attribute.
Sex: An individual's biological status as male, female, or something else. Sex is assigned at birth and associated with physical attributes, such as anatomy and chromosomes.
Sexual Orientation: Refers to a person's sexual and emotional attraction to another person and the behavior and/or social affiliation that may result from this attraction (lesbian, gay, bisexual, etc.).
Gender Identity: An individual's sense of their self as man, woman, transgender, or something else.
CMS: https://www.cms.gov/files/document/sogi-questions-marketplace-application.pdf
In other words, Sexual Orientation (who you're attracted to) = Gender Identity (how you think of yourself)
To make this designation, there are some options on the genders lookup list in the Configuration page. This controls whether an item on this list appears in dropdown lists that let you set gender or the sex attribute. After adding a new Gender, click on that Gender to bring up the Edit box. Choose to count as a Gender or as Sex. Both checkboxes can be selected.
The attribute "sex" on accounts, is parallel to gender, and appears in several places:
In the demographics panel on an account profile:
As an optional column on all versions of account list:
As a filter under the demographics option on the client list:
As an entry on the account review:
As a reserved word usable in text blocks that use "client or business account":
As a field on standard account imports:
In the demographics section of the account explore page:
As a field on account merge:
As a field on the intake form, both for the account you're creating and any associated family members:
As a required field on the intake form for both fields:
As a field on the new account page (clicking the add button on the non-client or staff list):
On the demographic overview on the relationship map:
(There may be a few more minor spots.)