- 16 Jun 2023
- 6 Minutes to read
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Release Note Summary -
- Updated on 16 Jun 2023
- 6 Minutes to read
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Account Imports
Two new match modes have been added to Account Imports. These work the same as their non-alias counterparts, except they look for account names and aliases instead of just account names. If two accounts have the same alias, or an account has two duplicate aliases, that will be flagged as multiple matches.
When importing Clients with updated information, users can now merge the new records with cleansed existing records. When the new data is imported, it can be matched with the cleaned records even if the import is based off various data points. By matching on the name, for example, a record such as Natalie Smith in a new import can match an existing record of Natalie Smith-Rogers, and both can be merged into a single account: Natalie Smith-Rogers.
Account Intake
There is now a new required field option for intake forms (configuration > reference libraries > intake form library). Selecting the fields in this section of the setup will make those fields required fields in the intake form.
Account Management
When selecting and deleting a client, the system now runs through a series of checks to see if you are able to delete the client or not. The checks will expand over time, but currently, the system checks to see if the client has invoiced courses or that they are named as a victim in an incident.
There is a new bulk submit button on the edit case audit screen. Check off in-progress case audits and use this button to change them in bulk to submitted. Only in-progress audits can be bulk submitted.
You're now required to give audit report segments a name when you create them. Clicking the + button to create a new segment will bring up the Report Settings screen immediately - before, it made you choose an analysis first. The analysis will now default to "not specified" and you can choose one with the buttons next to its name. An analysis is required for the grid/graph type, but is not required for the text block type (using no analysis with a text block means you won't get to use the text templating feature, so it'll just be a static text block). When creating a grid/graph segment, the report will first generate a header with the name of the analysis, and then several grids or graphs below that based on what audits you're bringing in.
Several new options for new columns were added on the case audit analysis builder (case audit view/edit screen > question-based findings > analyze tab > build an analysis). All of these columns show text, as opposed to the others that show numbers or percentages. Text columns cannot be used in pivoting, graphs, or advanced filters. By default, all the text in each text-based column is comma delimited. When using one of these analyses on the report generator tool, there is an option to change that delimiter. For example, it can be changed to an HTML break tag - doing so will display each item on its own row.
There is now an eye icon next to each segment in a report, if you click the button to manually modify the report. This toggles whether each segment shows on the report. By default, all segments will be toggled on. Toggling one off will not write it to the resulting report.
There is a new setting on each report segment to hide it by default. This makes the segment default to being toggled off instead of on, so someone will have to manually toggle it on in order for it to show.
Column renaming has been added to the audit analysis, instead of only in the report. You can access it from a new "Change Column Names" button on the analysis builder. Clicking that button will display a row for every column currently on the analysis. You can then type in a new name in the textboxes, click Save, and then refresh the analysis to see the new name. This window enforces that all column names must be unique.
The section name above each set of questions, on a per section basis is now displayed on the Apply to Others popup. This will make it easier to manage questions.
A new measure that gets the change in compliance percentage between this audit and the previous audit has been added. The measure calculates the % of questions answered 'yes' for the current audit and the most recent audit of the same name, and shows the difference of those two values. For example, if if some test data shows the % yes value for a 2022 audit is 0%, and the % yes value for a similar 2021 audit is 50%, the % change for the 2022 audit will be -50%. If there is no audit with the same name and a date further back in time, it'll say no previous audit data was found. This measure will only work if you're grouping by audit. If audit is not being grouped by at any point, this measure will not show if selected. If you group on audit and then something more granular, it'll just show the total compliance change for the entire audit.
Two new options have been added to the Report Settings for case audit report segments. The "don't show a header" option will not create a text header to start this segment on the actual report. If unchecked, it'll create a header using the default behavior. The "show side-by-side" option allows blocks of a small enough width to flow side-by-side on the printed report instead of everything being vertical. This is not an option for grids (those are always 100% width) but works well for graphs, where you can set the width of each graph.
A new report segment type of "metric" has been added to the Report Settings. This only has a radial gauge option for now. Choosing one of the listed measures and generating the report will calculate that measure based on all the audits fed into it and display it on a gauge. If you choose one of the percentage measures, the gauge will show 0-100% with a red/yellow/green gauge. All other measures just show a green gauge and assume the upper bound.
Using the audit analysis builder, users can now load settings from another analysis. This can be used to load the settings from a template, modify them, then save them as a new template. Directly loading and overwriting a template is not supported because that would affect related data (things on reports - if you remove a column from the template that is directly referenced on the report, for example). You can still delete templates by using the manage templates option. After you select the load settings option, click the clear button...the system will indicate it is listing out analysis templates. You can use the dropdown list to choose an analysis template, and click proceed to load that template's settings into the fields on the screen.
Program Staffing
A new Program Staffing menu link has been added (requires the appropriate functional rights to access the menu item). Selecting the link will open up a paage that shows the current state of staffing and clients for that program, the activity during ta past period, and the number of events which occurred were captured in imPowr, which reference the program.
Staff Action Plans
Program Enrollment checklist item instructions have now been added. Those instructions are now viewable on the Kanban view, from the My Staff Action Kanban menu item.
Employment Start and Exit Surveys have been added to the Submitted Surveys list.